Nov 23 2015

Incident of the letter (summary)

  • Mr Utterson goes to Dr Jekyll’s house to discuss about the letter.

“Carew was my client, but so are you, and I want to know what I am doing. You have not been mad enough to hide thus fellow.”

  • Dr Jekyll mentions about a letter e received.

“I have recieved a letter and I am at loss whether I should show it to the police.”

  • Mr Utteson ask Poole if a letter was left.

“”Was there a letter handed in today:what was the messenger like?” But Poole was positive nothing had come except by post”

  • Guest studied the letter that was given to Mr Utterson by Dr Jekyll.

“guest’s eyes brightened, and he sat down and studied it with passion”

Nov 10 2015

The Carew murder case

  • A maid sees Sir Danvers Carew and Mr Hyde. Mr Hyde shows his heavy cane and gets angry.
  • Mr Hyde attacks and kills Mr Hyde ant the maid calls the police. Mr Utterson is told that Mr Hyde is the one who killed Carew and shivers.
  • Mr Utterson and the officer got to Mr Hyde’s house and a woman opens the door saying Mr Hyde isn’t in. She say he had been in that night very late and was away less than an hour.
  • The house is furnished with luxury and good taste. They find several thousand pounds in Mr Hydes bank account.

chapter 2:


Nov 6 2015

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